Click on any of the links below and see photos from events at the shul and from the various projects headed by Rabbi Dalfin. The newest ones will be at the top.
- Erev Pesach and Birkat Hachamah - April 2009
- Purim Party at Ohr Menachem Chabad - March 2009
- Hachesed Bar Mitzvah event at the Kotel - December 2008
- Helping Out Brides & Orphans - December 2008
- Hachesed Bat Mitzvah event at the Kotel - July 2008
- Hachesed Bar Mitzvah event at the Kotel - July 2008
- Lecture by Rabbi Mansour - May 2008
- Purim Party 2008
- Hachesed Bar Mitzvah event at the Kotel - March 2008
- 2nd Annual Gala Dinner - March 2008
Keep checking for more pictures as events happen.